
Our global offices allow us to bring together the right team of U.S. litigators, English barristers and solicitors (including Queen's Counsel), Hong Kong solicitors, and offshore lawyers equipped to handle the unique issues inherent in complex cross-border disputes and investigations. Our team of lawyers includes former U.S. federal and state prosecutors, English and offshore judges, and arbitrators. 

Our team of legal analysts work closely with the lawyers and, under their supervision, provide research and analysis for every stage of a matter. In addition, the lawyers are supported by an executive team of technology, e-discovery, case management, and public relations professionals to provide clients with practical business solutions that complement the legal strategy. 

  • Mark Griffiths


    Mark Griffiths é um advogado litigante comercial experiente, especializado em disputas de insolvência transnacionais, sobretudo aquelas que envolvem fraude e as consequentes investigações corporativas e recuperação de ativos.


    Bio >

    25 Old Broad Street
    Tower 42
    Londres, EC2N 1HQ

    tel. +44 (0) 20 3301 5710
  • John Han


    John Han é um advogado e líder em litígios que ajuda os clientes a alcançarem suas metas de negócios em questões que envolvem as jurisdições da Grande China, EUA e da lei do Common Law inglês, incluindo as Ilhas Virgens Britânicas. Os clientes confiam em seu profundo conhecimento comercial da região e em suas habilidades bilíngues.

    Bio >

    Hong Kong
    Champion Tower, 25th Floor
    ICBC Tower, 6th Floor
    Central, Hong Kong

    tel. +852 2127 3291