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Client Alert June 8, 2023

More Routes to Recovery for Global Creditors in the Middle East

  • The Middle East is opening up to cross-border investors, creditors and claimants, as Saudi Arabia’s adoption of rules based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency demonstrates.
  • The openness is not limited to that country – the United Arab Emirates has also made strides that gives more tools for creditors considering a global enforcement campaign.
  • We explain what these developments mean for creditors.

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Client Alert May 18, 2023

Pathways for Global Bondholders to Effectively Oppose Unjust UK Restructuring Plans

  • Global bond issuers looking to restructure their debt have often turned to English courts, relying on debtor-friendly rules such as the ability to cram down creditors.
  • Two recent English court decision, however, are improving prospects for global bondholders.
  • Creditors who are willing to take swift and forceful action against even the biggest players can see the greatest chances of success.

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Client Alert March 29, 2023

Global Creditors Can Successfully Fight Fraudulent Conveyance in Dubai

  • As a key economic center in the region, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is increasingly the place where many international creditors go as they pursue their debtor’s assets.
  • However, some recalcitrant debtors may try to transfer their assets away to avoid payment in a fraudulent transfer.
  • Our team explores what strategies are available in the UAE to restore a creditor’s interests.

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Client Alert March 10, 2023

How International Creditors Can Crack Delaware's Notoriously Tough Trusts

  • Debtor-friendly Delaware has strong asset protection laws that make it a destination of choice for global entities and individuals looking to hold their assets in a trust.
  • This creates a headache for international creditors – recovering assets in a Delaware trust can seem like an insurmountable challenge.
  • By adopting a creative, aggressive and multijurisdictional strategy, however, creditors can crack even Delaware’s notoriously tough trusts.

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Client Alert December 14, 2022

Enforcing a Foreign Judgment in the UAE: New Opportunities

  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is becoming increasingly friendly to global judgment creditors looking to enforce their judgments.
  • Recent developments signal increased receptivity to fast-tracking recognition and enforcement through reciprocity.
  • We survey the landscape and look at how the country can form a crucial part of a worldwide enforcement campaign.

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Client Alert December 7, 2022

Enforcing Minority Shareholder Rights in Asia: A Comparative Guide to Just and Equitable Winding Up

  • Minority shareholders have options to stand up to majority shareholders and directors, such as unfair prejudice claims or derivative actions.
  • However, if these do not achieve the desired result, one more tool is available to exert pressure: a just and equitable winding up.
  • We lay out how this tool can be applied in five key jurisdictions for corporate structures in Asia.

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Client Alert August 31, 2022

Enforcing Minority Shareholder Rights in Asia: A Comparative Guide to Derivative Actions

  • Minority shareholders may be surprised to learn that they have effective options when a director or other fiduciary has harmed the company.
  • However, the situation may be complicated when structures cross borders, as many corporate structures in Asia do, including spreading offshore.
  • Our Claim Monetization team explores how shareholders can deploy derivative actions in five key jurisdictions across Asia Pacific, the UK and the Caribbean as part of an effective cross-border strategy.

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Client Alert July 26, 2022

PRC Continues to Open Up in Recognizing Foreign Claims

  • A Chinese court recently recognized a commercial judgment issued by the English High Court in a landmark judgment.
  • China has also made it easier for Hong Kong arbitrations to be recognized and enforced in China, as well as opening the door to interim measures.
  • Our Claim Monetization team analyzes what these developments mean to foreign judgment and award creditors looking for opportunities in a historically tricky jurisdiction.

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Client Alert July 26, 2022

Enforcing Minority Shareholder Rights in Asia: A Comparative Guide to Unfair Prejudice

  • Minority shareholders may have certain remedies available when they feel their rights have been unfairly prejudiced by the majority.
  • However, the situation may be complicated when structures cross borders – typical corporate structures in Asia may spread across offshore and other key regions.
  • Our Claim Monetization team lays out the basic parameters of the tools open to minority shareholders across five key jurisdictions.

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Client Alert June 14, 2022

Kobre & Kim Helps PRC Clients Enforce US $171M Award in BVI

  • Many parties, especially those based in Asia Pacific, soon discover that a recalcitrant debtor can frustrate enforcement of a hard-won arbitration award.
  • In cross-border enforcement campaigns, the debtor may throw up obscure legal challenges to cause delays and distraction.
  • A recent Kobre & Kim victory demonstrates how, through quick and strategic action, these distractions can be defeated and pressure can be maintained on the debtor.

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Client Alert March 28, 2022

Maximizing Recovery Against a Sanctioned Sovereign

  • Prices of Russian and other sovereign debt are falling as their economies buckle, presenting both opportunities and challenges for investors.
  • Enforcing the debt against sovereign entities is already difficult, more so when sanctions are involved.
  • As our Claim Monetization & Dilution team explains, non-traditional strategies may go further in putting maximum pressure on sovereigns and maximizing returns.

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Client Alert January 26, 2022

Looking to Enforce a PRC “Keepwell Agreement”? Look Outside the PRC

  • Mainland China is undergoing a wave of credit defaults, and creditors should use every tool available to maximize recovery.
  • Keepwell agreements, a promise by a PRC onshore parent company to maintain an offshore debt issuer’s solvency, is one option for overseas enforcement.
  • Creditors can use them to launch a multijurisdictional recovery campaign to drive up pressure on the debtor and reach a near-term settlement.

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Client Alert September 8, 2021

Maximizing Returns on Distressed Assets: China’s Real Estate Industry

  • Offshore bondholders of distressed Chinese real estate companies often lack leverage in restructuring negotiations, with those companies’ assets located mostly in China.
  • China Evergrande Group is just one of the many Chinese real estate companies teetering on default, with wide-ranging consequences.
  • However, by taking deploying creative strategies and taking positions against competing stakeholders, activist bondholders can carve out a direct path to monetization.

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Client Alert July 23, 2021

Using Arbitration to Stop a Winding Up

  • When monetizing a claim against a debtor, the interplay between arbitration and insolvency is not only critical but also varies by jurisdiction.
  • When considering a cross-border strategy, it is essential to understand how each jurisdiction interrelates with the others.
  • Kobre & Kim’s global Claim Monetization and Dilution Team answers the critical questions on these intricacies for key jurisdictions in this comparative guide.

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Client Alert May 8, 2019

To Catch a Debtor: Freezing the Money

  • International creditors continue to face significant challenges when monetizing claims against debtors based in the People's Republic of China.
  • Actions such as a standalone freezing injunction can be used in English common law jurisdictions to freeze assets that are held by innocent third parties.
  • Injunctions and receiverships can be made without giving notice to the debtor, bestowing the "element of surprise."

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