Client Alert November 9, 2023

Middle Eastern Investors Have Options to Protect Their Investments in China

  • Investments from the Middle East into Mainland China are growing recently as many see increasing opportunities for returns.
  • However, there are risks that may materialize if investors become embroiled in a global dispute with Chinese companies.
  • Investors should consider ways to increase their leverage and expand their options, including by bringing disputes directly into China through Hong Kong.

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Client Alert November 1, 2023

Responding to U.S. DOJ Actions Against Latin American Individuals

  • The U.S. Department of Justice is continuing to extend its long arm jurisdiction into aggressively scrutinizing individuals in Latin America.
  • Many targets may become embroiled in what can be overstated allegations, threatening their assets, liberty and reputation.
  • Targets need to work with cross-border counsel knowledgeable in the DOJ’s tactics to push back as early as possible.

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Client Alert October 26, 2023

International Creditors Can Crack Delaware's Notoriously Tough Trusts

  • Debtor-friendly Delaware has strong asset protection laws that make it a destination of choice for global entities and individuals looking to hold their assets in a trust.
  • This creates a headache for international creditors – recovering assets in a Delaware trust can seem like an insurmountable challenge.
  • By adopting a creative, aggressive and multijurisdictional strategy, however, creditors can crack even Delaware’s notoriously tough trusts.

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Client Alert October 19, 2023

Mitigating Sanctions Risks For Individuals and Their Cyprus-Based Assets

  • As governments increasingly use sanctions as a geopolitical tool, ultra-high-net-worth individuals – including those with connections to Cyprus – are at risk.
  • Cypriot officials and financial institutions have already taken steps to target certain individuals, even those who are not sanctioned.
  • We explain pre-emptive steps at-risk individuals and their advisors can take to mitigate the risks and protect themselves.

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Client Alert October 12, 2023

Cross-Border Strategies to Accelerate Non-Performing Loans Recoveries in Korea

  • Korean banks are holding an increasing amount of non-performing loans, putting their financial health at risk.
  • For many with large portfolios exposed to cross-border unsecured debt and loans to high-yield borrowers, sale and write downs may not be optimal.
  • A cross-border strategy to monetize their claims could offer a superior alternative.

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Client Alert October 5, 2023

Powerful Option for Creditors Enforcing Judgments from Common Law Courts in the United Arab Emirates

  • It is commonly assumed that it is difficult and impractical to enforcement judgments in the United Arab Emirates.
  • However, this is increasingly untrue – even when no bilateral enforcement treaty exists, creditors can obtain recognition of their common law judgments.
  • A recent Kobre & Kim case shows how that can happen.

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Client Alert September 28, 2023

Crypto Parties Can Stand Up to Regulatory Overreach

  • U.S. regulators are aggressively stretching the bounds of their jurisdiction over the cryptocurrency and digital asset space.
  • This puts exchanges, founders, investors and other parties at risk of increased uncertainty and risk of investigation and enforcement.
  • Deference may not earn targets leniency – instead, as a recent Kobre & Kim settlement shows, standing up to the regulators can pay dividends.

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Client Alert September 21, 2023

Risk Rises for Korean Companies as U.S. Pursues More Aggressive Antitrust Enforcement

  • Aggressive antitrust enforcement is a priority for the U.S., both at home and abroad.
  • Korean companies are on the radar, particularly with alleged procurement fraud, putting them at risk of massive fines and multijurisdictional investigations.
  • We explain the risks and responses Korean companies should consider.

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Client Alert September 14, 2023

Cross-Border Strategies for Maximizing Returns Against Sovereign Debtors

  • More investors are taking their disputes against sovereign states and entities to arbitration and judicial forums.
  • However, demanding payment of a defaulted debt, judgment or award does not always lead to the sovereign paying up.
  • We explore aggressive non-traditional strategies investors should deploy to ensure a sovereign debtor agrees to a settlement.

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Client Alert September 7, 2023

Defensive and Counteroffensive Strategies in Delaware for Business Disputes that Turn Personal

  • Cross-border disputes involving ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) can often turn personal.
  • Commercial counterparties may try to make the UHNWI individually liable, putting their personal assets at risk.
  • However, if there is a connection to Delaware, UHNWIs can leverage the favorable tools available in the jurisdiction to resolve disputes in their favor.

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Client Alert August 31, 2023

How Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals Should Respond When Their Cyprus-Based Assets Are Under Attack

  • As global geopolitical tensions rise, Cypriot-held assets are increasingly under threat.
  • Governments, competitors and other counterparties are increasingly launching aggressive and often unwarranted attacks against the Cyprus assets of ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
  • At-risk individuals should work with a cross-border team and local counsel to take strategic steps to defend their assets.

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Client Alert August 17, 2023

Global Companies Can Gain Advantage From Aggressive U.S. Antitrust Enforcement

  • U.S. government antitrust agencies – including the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division and Federal Trade Commission – have become increasingly aggressive in their enforcement.
  • While this puts more multinational companies with U.S. links at risk, it could also present an opportunity.
  • Our team explains how the changing antitrust enforcement environment can provide tools for companies to keep their competitors in check.

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Client Alert August 9, 2023

How SPAC Sponsors and De-SPACed Companies Can Protect Themselves as Valuations Plunge

  • After the SPAC boom of 2020 and 2021, many de-SPACed companies are now facing cash constraints and even bankruptcy.
  • Companies and their sponsors could face increasing scrutiny and disputes from shareholders, creditors or regulators as a result.
  • We explain how sponsors can be best positioned to prepare for the legal, financial and reputational risks that follow.

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Client Alert August 3, 2023

The BVI Creates New Opportunities for Offshore Bondholders to Bring Unilateral Claims

  • Distressed debt investors who are beneficial owners or contingent creditors of bonds face uncertainty when bond issuers stop paying.
  • Courts in key jurisdictions are beginning to answer the question of whether creditors can wind-up issuers but are offering diverging decisions.
  • We explain how a recent ruling in the BVI opens the offshore jurisdiction to creditors considering a cross-border enforcement campaign.

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Client Alert July 27, 2023

Gaining Leverage in Brazilian Insolvencies: Local and Cross-Border Tools for International Creditors

  • The Americanas fraud has led a wave of insolvencies in Brazil, shaking the market.
  • This wave of financial distress has ensnared international creditors into the slow-moving Brazilian insolvency landscape.
  • However, new developments in Brazil – combined with an assertive cross-border strategy – can help creditors gain the upper hand and reach a quicker resolution.

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