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Client Alert November 9, 2023

Middle Eastern Investors Have Options to Protect Their Investments in China

  • Investments from the Middle East into Mainland China are growing recently as many see increasing opportunities for returns.
  • However, there are risks that may materialize if investors become embroiled in a global dispute with Chinese companies.
  • Investors should consider ways to increase their leverage and expand their options, including by bringing disputes directly into China through Hong Kong.

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Client Alert July 26, 2022

PRC Continues to Open Up in Recognizing Foreign Claims

  • A Chinese court recently recognized a commercial judgment issued by the English High Court in a landmark judgment.
  • China has also made it easier for Hong Kong arbitrations to be recognized and enforced in China, as well as opening the door to interim measures.
  • Our Claim Monetization team analyzes what these developments mean to foreign judgment and award creditors looking for opportunities in a historically tricky jurisdiction.

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Client Alert November 23, 2021

Enforcement in Dubai Just Got Easier

  • The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), a gateway to enforcing judgments in the Middle East, has just seen significant barriers to enforcement removed.
  • Creditors now have a much smoother path to collect on what they are owed both in onshore Dubai and across the region.
  • Our global Claim Monetization & Dilution team unpacks how creditors can save significant time and money.

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Client Alert July 23, 2021

Using Arbitration to Stop a Winding Up

  • When monetizing a claim against a debtor, the interplay between arbitration and insolvency is not only critical but also varies by jurisdiction.
  • When considering a cross-border strategy, it is essential to understand how each jurisdiction interrelates with the others.
  • Kobre & Kim’s global Claim Monetization and Dilution Team answers the critical questions on these intricacies for key jurisdictions in this comparative guide.

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Client Alert April 28, 2020

An Opportunity across the Pond: U.S. Discovery Developments can Drive UK Proceedings

  • Compared with UK discovery, with its limited scope and high costs, U.S. discovery can be a much more powerful and widely usable tool of enforcement.
  • U.S. Discovery, unlike UK discovery, is not limited to documents contained within its national borders.
  • Furthermore, documents discovered through U.S. discovery can often be used for purposes beyond those specifically identified in the original discovery application.

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