Sebastian Gollins photo
Sebastian Gollins
Cayman Islands
9 Forum Lane, Suite 3207
Camana Bay, Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands, KY1-9006
+1 345 749 4002
Cayman Islands
9 Forum Lane, Suite 3207
Camana Bay, Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands, KY1-9006
+1 345 749 4002

Sebastian Gollins is an English barrister and Cayman Islands attorney representing institutional and private clients – including ultra-high-net-worth individuals – in high-value, cross-border disputes, typically with connection to one or more offshore jurisdictions. He has experience advising clients in relation to claims arising out of international commercial disputes, including partnership, investment funds, insolvency and trusts. His cases often involve serious allegations of fraud and misconduct.

Before joining Kobre & Kim, Mr. Gollins practiced at the self-employed commercial and chancery bar at leading regional set, St Johns Buildings.


  • Attorney, Cayman Islands
  • Barrister, England & Wales
  • ADR Certified Commercial and Civil Mediator
  • Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts


  • BPP University, BPTC
  • University of Oxford, MSc
  • Durham University, LLB (Hons)

Select Engagements

  • Advising and representing a number of offshore and onshore entities in complex, multi-jurisdictional litigation concerning control over a charitable structure valued at over US $1 billion, involving a network of funds and corporate vehicles across multiple jurisdictions.
  • Acting for Fortress Credit Corp, a leading investment manager overseeing approximately US $44.7 billion in assets, in various applications before the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, including requests for Norwich Pharmacal relief and for deferral of the dissolution of multiple entities in voluntary liquidation.
  • Instructed on behalf of the liquidating trustee of a brokerage firm connected to the Tom Petters Ponzi scheme, which involved more than US $5 billion in investor funds, with a focus on pursuing clawback claims on behalf of defrauded investors.
  • Advising and representing the Royal Family of Ajman in connection with a US $150 million investment in a Cayman Islands fund currently in liquidation, with related proceedings before the High Court of England & Wales.
  • Acting for the liquidators of Aubit International in tracing and recovering over US $160 million in of fiat and crypto assets alleged to have been dissipated from the company across multiple offshore and onshore jurisdictions.
  • Representation of the “liquidating agents” of One Thousand and One Voices Africa Fund I, L.P.—whose investors include inter alia the Coors family patriarch—in high-stakes private equity disputes spanning multiple jurisdictions, including the Supreme Court of the State of New York, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, and the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal.
  • Advising a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency sector, regarding a US$72 million dispute involving a Delaware entity, a Cayman Islands company, and digital assets held via a British Virgin Islands structure, as well as formulating defensive strategies in respect of tortious counter-claim of US $100 million.
  • Represented the co-founder of One Equity Partners, a private equity firm managing over US $12.5 billion in capital, in litigation concerning control of the firm.
  • Acted on behalf of Clever Sky Investments in successfully obtaining a freezing injunction from the High Court of Hong Kong over shares in United Energy Group Limited, with an estimated value of US $230 million.

Professional & Community Involvement

  • Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association, Member
  • INSOL International, Member
  • Member of the Inner Temple
  • Northern Business and Property Bar Association
  • Northern Circuit



  • Attorney, Cayman Islands
  • Barrister, England & Wales
  • ADR Certified Commercial and Civil Mediator
  • Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts


  • BPP University, BPTC
  • University of Oxford, MSc
  • Durham University, LLB (Hons)


  • Advising and representing a number of offshore and onshore entities in complex, multi-jurisdictional litigation concerning control over a charitable structure valued at over US $1 billion, involving a network of funds and corporate vehicles across multiple jurisdictions.
  • Acting for Fortress Credit Corp, a leading investment manager overseeing approximately US $44.7 billion in assets, in various applications before the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, including requests for Norwich Pharmacal relief and for deferral of the dissolution of multiple entities in voluntary liquidation.
  • Instructed on behalf of the liquidating trustee of a brokerage firm connected to the Tom Petters Ponzi scheme, which involved more than US $5 billion in investor funds, with a focus on pursuing clawback claims on behalf of defrauded investors.
  • Advising and representing the Royal Family of Ajman in connection with a US $150 million investment in a Cayman Islands fund currently in liquidation, with related proceedings before the High Court of England & Wales.
  • Acting for the liquidators of Aubit International in tracing and recovering over US $160 million in of fiat and crypto assets alleged to have been dissipated from the company across multiple offshore and onshore jurisdictions.
  • Representation of the “liquidating agents” of One Thousand and One Voices Africa Fund I, L.P.—whose investors include inter alia the Coors family patriarch—in high-stakes private equity disputes spanning multiple jurisdictions, including the Supreme Court of the State of New York, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, and the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal.
  • Advising a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency sector, regarding a US$72 million dispute involving a Delaware entity, a Cayman Islands company, and digital assets held via a British Virgin Islands structure, as well as formulating defensive strategies in respect of tortious counter-claim of US $100 million.
  • Represented the co-founder of One Equity Partners, a private equity firm managing over US $12.5 billion in capital, in litigation concerning control of the firm.
  • Acted on behalf of Clever Sky Investments in successfully obtaining a freezing injunction from the High Court of Hong Kong over shares in United Energy Group Limited, with an estimated value of US $230 million.

Professional & Community Involvement

  • Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association, Member
  • INSOL International, Member
  • Member of the Inner Temple
  • Northern Business and Property Bar Association
  • Northern Circuit