Kamarya James photo
Kamarya James
Litigation Assistant
Cayman Islands
9 Forum Lane, Suite 3207
Camana Bay, Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands, KY1-9006
+1 345 326 3928
Cayman Islands
9 Forum Lane, Suite 3207
Camana Bay, Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands, KY1-9006
+1 345 326 3928

Kamarya James, under the supervision of the firm’s lawyers, provides support to the firm’s lawyers in high-value, cross-border shareholder, partnership, commercial and insolvency disputes based in the Cayman Islands.

Her recent matters include the representation of a prominent Emirati individual seeking strategic advice and input related to asset recovery of investments in provisional liquidation.

Ms. James received her BA from William Patterson University.




  • William Patterson University, BA