Kobre & Kim Pro Bono Team Scores Victory for Asylum Seeker in the U.S.

June 24, 2024

As part of the firm’s commitment to pro bono work, Kobre & Kim represented a client from Iran who was recently granted asylum in the U.S.

While studying at university in Iran and being hospitalized for cancer treatment, he began practicing Christianity. Soon after that, the Iranian government detained him, raided his home, and interrogated him for his beliefs.

In 2016 he travelled to the U.S. where he was baptized and confirmed as a Christian. In fear of his safety should he be forced to return to Iran as a practicing Christian, we began representing him in 2017 and applied for asylum on his behalf based on religious persecution.

Despite clearly asserting his claims of past persecution and fear of future pursuits, along with the extensive briefing and other documentation we submitted to support his claim, he finally received a favorable decision seven years later.  

The Kobre & Kim team consisted of partner Steve Perlstein, associate Mike Brasky, analysts Matt Aldridge and Dom Caturello, litigation assistant Huixi Yang, former litigation assistant Mairead Allen, and the firm’s Pro Bono Director Amy Rossabi.