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Client Alert May 16, 2024

Precedent-Setting Win in Dubai Opens Doors for Global Creditors to Fight Fraudulent Conveyance in the Middle East

  • International investors and other claimants have long struggled to enforce cross-border claims in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the wider Middle East.
  • Debtors frequently deploy tactics such as fraudulent conveyance to transfer their assets out of reach.
  • A recent precedent-setting decision in Dubai’s High Court, secured by Kobre & Kim and local co-counsel, shows another avenue for global creditors to battle recalcitrant debtors and increase their chances of a swift and significant recovery on their cross-border claims.

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Client Alert May 9, 2024

Cross-Border Strategies for Maximizing Returns Against Sovereign Debtors

  • More investors are taking their disputes against sovereign states and entities to arbitration and judicial forums.
  • However, demanding payment of a defaulted debt, judgment or award does not always lead to the sovereign paying up.
  • We explore aggressive non-traditional strategies investors should deploy to ensure a sovereign debtor agrees to a settlement.

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Client Alert April 11, 2024

Cross-Border Tools to Aid Latin American Parties in Disputes with PRC Companies

  • Deals and partnerships between Latin American and Chinese companies are growing as economic ties between the two regions deepen.
  • However, unique risks are involved if a dispute arises with the Chinese company – the Chinese legal system could create barriers to payment, even with an award or judgment in hand.
  • Latin American companies and investors should consider cross-border strategies to increase their leverage.

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Client Alert February 29, 2024

Political Strategies in Monetizing Sovereign Arbitration Awards

  • For international investors and companies, winning an arbitration award against a sovereign state marks just the beginning of a lengthy, globe-spanning enforcement campaign.
  • To make a greater impact on the enforcement process, award holders should not be afraid to use more creative approaches.
  • A recent Kobre & Kim victory demonstrates how this approach can put legitimate pressure on sovereign debtors and bring them to the negotiating table.

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Client Alert January 18, 2024

New Pathways for International Creditors to Fight Fraudulent Conveyance in Dubai

  • International creditors are seeing more opportunities in the United Arab Emirates and wider Middle East as courts continue to signal openness to recognizing and enforcing overseas judgments.
  • This includes overcoming a fraudulent conveyance, as a UAE court recently decided in what may be an unprecedented judgment in favor of a judgment holder represented by Kobre & Kim.
  • The judgment demonstrates that there are a rapidly growing number of creditor tools available in the region to combat recalcitrant debtors.

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Client Alert October 5, 2023

Powerful Option for Creditors Enforcing Judgments from Common Law Courts in the United Arab Emirates

  • It is commonly assumed that it is difficult and impractical to enforcement judgments in the United Arab Emirates.
  • However, this is increasingly untrue – even when no bilateral enforcement treaty exists, creditors can obtain recognition of their common law judgments.
  • A recent Kobre & Kim case shows how that can happen.

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Client Alert September 14, 2023

Cross-Border Strategies for Maximizing Returns Against Sovereign Debtors

  • More investors are taking their disputes against sovereign states and entities to arbitration and judicial forums.
  • However, demanding payment of a defaulted debt, judgment or award does not always lead to the sovereign paying up.
  • We explore aggressive non-traditional strategies investors should deploy to ensure a sovereign debtor agrees to a settlement.

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Client Alert June 13, 2023

What a Landmark Ruling Against Spain Means for Investors in Disputes with Sovereigns

  • Winning an arbitral award often marks the beginning of a long and costly global enforcement campaign for international investors, especially against a sovereign state.
  • To speed up a settlement, investors should take a bold stand against sovereigns, leveraging international treaty protections.
  • A recent landmark win against the Kingdom of Spain shows one way for investors.

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Client Alert June 8, 2023

More Routes to Recovery for Global Creditors in the Middle East

  • The Middle East is opening up to cross-border investors, creditors and claimants, as Saudi Arabia’s adoption of rules based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency demonstrates.
  • The openness is not limited to that country – the United Arab Emirates has also made strides that gives more tools for creditors considering a global enforcement campaign.
  • We explain what these developments mean for creditors.

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Client Alert March 29, 2023

Global Creditors Can Successfully Fight Fraudulent Conveyance in Dubai

  • As a key economic center in the region, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is increasingly the place where many international creditors go as they pursue their debtor’s assets.
  • However, some recalcitrant debtors may try to transfer their assets away to avoid payment in a fraudulent transfer.
  • Our team explores what strategies are available in the UAE to restore a creditor’s interests.

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Client Alert January 25, 2023

Achieving High Returns from Sovereign & States Disputes

  • A coming global economic downturn will put sovereign debt under pressure.
  • It may appear near impossible for creditors and investors to enforce this debt against sovereigns, but those who succeed can see extraordinary returns.
  • We explain how deploying creative cross-border strategies can overcome the toughest sovereign debtors and unlock the key to success.

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Client Alert December 14, 2022

Enforcing a Foreign Judgment in the UAE: New Opportunities

  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is becoming increasingly friendly to global judgment creditors looking to enforce their judgments.
  • Recent developments signal increased receptivity to fast-tracking recognition and enforcement through reciprocity.
  • We survey the landscape and look at how the country can form a crucial part of a worldwide enforcement campaign.

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Client Alert July 26, 2022

PRC Continues to Open Up in Recognizing Foreign Claims

  • A Chinese court recently recognized a commercial judgment issued by the English High Court in a landmark judgment.
  • China has also made it easier for Hong Kong arbitrations to be recognized and enforced in China, as well as opening the door to interim measures.
  • Our Claim Monetization team analyzes what these developments mean to foreign judgment and award creditors looking for opportunities in a historically tricky jurisdiction.

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Client Alert June 14, 2022

Kobre & Kim Helps PRC Clients Enforce US $171M Award in BVI

  • Many parties, especially those based in Asia Pacific, soon discover that a recalcitrant debtor can frustrate enforcement of a hard-won arbitration award.
  • In cross-border enforcement campaigns, the debtor may throw up obscure legal challenges to cause delays and distraction.
  • A recent Kobre & Kim victory demonstrates how, through quick and strategic action, these distractions can be defeated and pressure can be maintained on the debtor.

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Client Alert November 23, 2021

Enforcement in Dubai Just Got Easier

  • The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), a gateway to enforcing judgments in the Middle East, has just seen significant barriers to enforcement removed.
  • Creditors now have a much smoother path to collect on what they are owed both in onshore Dubai and across the region.
  • Our global Claim Monetization & Dilution team unpacks how creditors can save significant time and money.

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