Showing results tagged with "Asset Recovery". clear filter

Client Alert March 21, 2019

Recovering Stolen Funds from Business Email Fraudsters

  • One of the most common forms of fraud affecting businesses worldwide is Business Email Compromise (BEC).
  • Often based in Asia, BEC fraudsters are known to use a network of underground moneychangers to move stolen funds rapidly beyond the reach of victims.
  • When affected, victims need to match the speed of the criminals, acting across multiple jurisdictions and with the full set of legal tools necessary to trace, freeze and recover assets effectively.

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Client Alert November 12, 2018

Navigating Global Matrimonial Disputes: Four Steps to High-Value Asset Recovery

  • While a divorce for the ultra-wealthy might be local, monetizing the resulting judgment requires sophisticated cross-border expertise.
  • A timely, proactive and creative asset recovery strategy leads to more money faster.
  • Obtaining a court judgment against the recalcitrant debtor is just the start of a global game of chess in which experience, creativity and global reach are essential.

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Client Alert September 25, 2018

The New Art Fraud: Galleries and Dealers Are the Next Global Hacking Targets

  • The art world is an attractive target because of its fast-paced, high-value transactions with minimal documentation.
  • Once the money has been wired to the criminal’s account, they move to transfer the funds to erase their trace and disappear undetected. 
  • Victims of such a hack must wield all of the legal and investigative tools at their disposal to maximize the odds of recovery.

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Client Alert June 7, 2018

Fraud Victims Pursuing Assets Offshore

  • Recent judgments have provided victims with a new route to claim damages from third parties, and thereby widen the pool from which to make a recovery.
  • Claimants in numerous common law jurisdictions now can bring two new types of claims against associates of fraudsters who have assisted in the dissipation of assets after a freezing order or judgment has been obtained.
  • Creditors seeking to make recoveries against fraudsters based in offshore jurisdictions should consider these two new, but related, claims against third parties when developing their asset recovery strategy.

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