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Client Alert October 15, 2021

Traders Should Stop Running from Risk in CFTC Investigations

  • The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has quietly increased scrutiny of digital currency markets, focusing on spoofing.
  • Successful traders normally do not run from risk in their trading activities, yet they often do exactly that in the face of unfamiliar regulatory risks, leading to worse outcomes.
  • Targets of regulatory enforcement should therefore consider a range of aggressive measures before responding to inquiries from enforcement authorities.

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Client Alert March 27, 2019

Successfully Fighting a Spoofing or Market Manipulation Subpoena from the DOJ or the CFTC

  • The U.S. government has set its sights on market manipulation and “spoofing” among both traditional and digital currency traders.
  • For the trading firms and other market participants who could be in the government’s crosshairs, now is the time to plan how you will respond to a subpoena.
  • Traders and trading firms that find themselves on the receiving end of a subpoena related to spoofing or market manipulation should not immediately assume that cooperation is the best or only way to respond.

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Client Alert May 31, 2018

5 Ways Cryptocurrency Traders in EMEA Can Plan Ahead for U.S. Government Scrutiny

  • The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) are aggressively directing their enforcement resources to combat against digital currency traders in the UK and greater EMEA.
  • Counsel located in the UK and greater EMEA region needs to be aware of the risks involved with this new-found aggression and how to prepare for any U.S.-driven regulatory inquiries or subpoenas.
  • Firms representing European entities and individuals involved in cryptocurrency should be more comprehensive in their preparation. 

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