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Client Alert May 9, 2024

Cross-Border Strategies for Maximizing Returns Against Sovereign Debtors

  • More investors are taking their disputes against sovereign states and entities to arbitration and judicial forums.
  • However, demanding payment of a defaulted debt, judgment or award does not always lead to the sovereign paying up.
  • We explore aggressive non-traditional strategies investors should deploy to ensure a sovereign debtor agrees to a settlement.

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Client Alert February 29, 2024

Political Strategies in Monetizing Sovereign Arbitration Awards

  • For international investors and companies, winning an arbitration award against a sovereign state marks just the beginning of a lengthy, globe-spanning enforcement campaign.
  • To make a greater impact on the enforcement process, award holders should not be afraid to use more creative approaches.
  • A recent Kobre & Kim victory demonstrates how this approach can put legitimate pressure on sovereign debtors and bring them to the negotiating table.

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Client Alert February 15, 2024

Non-Traditional Sovereign Debt Defaults Recovery Strategies for International Bondholders

  • Sovereign defaults are increasing after recent years of post-pandemic spending, geopolitical risk and climate change.
  • This has created opportunities for distressed investors experienced in enforcing against sovereigns.
  • Investors can improve the value of their claims by deploying strategies targeting unconventional vulnerabilities around the world.

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Client Alert September 14, 2023

Cross-Border Strategies for Maximizing Returns Against Sovereign Debtors

  • More investors are taking their disputes against sovereign states and entities to arbitration and judicial forums.
  • However, demanding payment of a defaulted debt, judgment or award does not always lead to the sovereign paying up.
  • We explore aggressive non-traditional strategies investors should deploy to ensure a sovereign debtor agrees to a settlement.

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Client Alert June 13, 2023

What a Landmark Ruling Against Spain Means for Investors in Disputes with Sovereigns

  • Winning an arbitral award often marks the beginning of a long and costly global enforcement campaign for international investors, especially against a sovereign state.
  • To speed up a settlement, investors should take a bold stand against sovereigns, leveraging international treaty protections.
  • A recent landmark win against the Kingdom of Spain shows one way for investors.

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Client Alert January 25, 2023

Achieving High Returns from Sovereign & States Disputes

  • A coming global economic downturn will put sovereign debt under pressure.
  • It may appear near impossible for creditors and investors to enforce this debt against sovereigns, but those who succeed can see extraordinary returns.
  • We explain how deploying creative cross-border strategies can overcome the toughest sovereign debtors and unlock the key to success.

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Client Alert August 5, 2020

Clashing with Titans: Maximizing Returns on Sovereign Judgment Enforcement

  • The current economic downturn has triggered record-breaking amounts of debt owed by governments to overseas investors.
  • The crisis, however, has the potential to create large returns for creditors and investors willing to aggressively pursue their claims over a sovereign government.
  • A proven yet unorthodox cross-border litigation strategy that catches sovereigns by surprise can achieve the monetization of judgments previously thought too tough to enforce.

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Client Alert August 5, 2020

When Sovereign Judgment Debtors Fight Back: Clashing with Titans

  • Investors and creditors can gain potentially large returns if they successfully enforce a large judgment against a sovereign debtor.
  • However, with such high-stakes, sovereign governments have begun fighting back using state powers against creditors, turning civil proceedings into a quasi-criminal cross-border dispute.
  • A creditor must employ anticipatory and nonconventional counteroffensive measures in order to protect themselves and maximize their odds of success.

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Client Alert March 4, 2019

Clashing With Titans: Effective Judgment Enforcement Against Sovereign Entities

  • There are many reasons why sovereign debtors can be challenging targets.
  • The right combination of high-pressure tactics, coupled with aggressive, creative, multijurisdictional strategies, can force sovereign debtors to take a seat at the bargaining table.
  • Here are specific examples of effective techniques from recent successful matters where legitimate claims were recovered against sovereign entities.

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