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Client Alert April 18, 2024

Countering Bad-Faith Opponents' Efforts to Publicly Discredit High-Net-Worth Individuals

  • Bad-faith opponents often use elaborate mechanisms to publicly discredit high-net-worth individuals.
  • Misinformation can spread across borders rapidly, resulting in reputational harm across borders and languages.
  • HNWIs in contentious situations should take a robust and active approach with a carefully calibrated mix of legal and communications interventions.

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Client Alert January 11, 2024

New U.S. Bribery Law Could Put Non-U.S. Officials Under Unwarranted Scrutiny

  • A new law criminalizing the demanding or receipt of payments from U.S. individuals or entities gives the U.S. Department of Justice new tools to extend its targeting of non-U.S. individuals in corruption investigations.
  • This puts politically connected individuals at risk of becoming subject to aggressive U.S. investigations, initiated by politically motivated domestic rivals.
  • At-risk individuals should take proactive steps to protect their reputations, assets and liberty.

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Client Alert December 15, 2023

Politically Exposed Persons Should Preemptively Manage Risks from Change in Government in Argentina

  • The new administration of Javier Milei in Argentina marks a shift away from the political establishment, with his promises to purge the “political caste.”
  • Politically exposed persons may be at risk – new authorities around the world often engage in politically motivated investigations.
  • At-risk individuals and businesses should take proactive steps to protect their assets, liberty and reputation.

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Client Alert June 22, 2023

U.S. Sanctions Against Individuals in Greater China May Come Suddenly: How Overseas Advisors Can Protect Their Clients from Overreach

  • The U.S., UK and their allies are continuing to find tools to exert pressure on China.
  • Businesspeople in Greater China with global interests could become targets of financial sanctions if diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. deteriorate further.
  • We explain how financial and wealth advisors can mitigate the risks these clients face if they act early and decisively.

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Client Alert April 12, 2023

Politically Exposed Persons Should Preemptively Manage Risks from A Regime Change

  • The tumultuous power transfer in Brazil has sparked investigations into the new administration’s political opponents.
  • This is an example of a larger global trend where regime change may result in politically motivated investigations, threatening a politically exposed person’s liberty, reputation and assets.
  • Our team walks through proactive steps those at risk can take to protect themselves.

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Client Alert February 8, 2023

Stopping the “Snowball Effect” of a Reputation Under Attack

  • Reputation is both a highly valuable and sensitive asset for ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs), and is constantly at risk.
  • A strategically placed narrative aimed at undermining an individual’s commercial or political objectives can “snowball” to impact many aspects of their personal and professional lives.
  • We explain how defensive and proactive strategies can be deployed to defend an UHNWI’s reputation, demonstrate their source of wealth and protect their freedom of movement around the world.

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Client Alert November 9, 2022

How Chinese Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals Can Protect Their Global Wealth from Seizure in a High-Tension World

  • As geopolitical tensions heighten, Chinese ultra-high-net-worth individuals may become increasingly at risk of becoming the target of forfeiture by hostile foreign governments.
  • Governments around the world have shown increasing willingness to go after assets owned by those in disfavored jurisdictions.
  • By deploying a coordinated global strategy, Chinese UHNWIs can lawfully defend their legitimately earned wealth.

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Client Alert October 24, 2022

The Upcoming Brazil Election and Risks for Politically Exposed Persons

  • Brazil’s looming election could lead to a sharp shift in government and potentially, as part of a global trend, result in politically motivated investigations against rivals and their businesses.
  • These investigations can involve misconstrued allegations or undermined due process, and can threaten even overseas assets.
  • Our International Private Client team explains how politically exposed individuals can take proactive steps to protect their assets, liberty and reputation.

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