Jef Klazen, Marcus Green and Chris Cogburn Discuss the Current State of Arbitration Award Enforcement in the U.S.

August 8, 2019

Publication: Global Arbitration Review

“Prevailing in arbitration does not guarantee satisfaction of a monetary award…In the United States, enforcing an arbitration award involves two steps, each of which presents distinct issues.” Jef Klazen, Marcus Green and Chris Cogburn, all key members of Kobre & Kim’s international judgment enforcement team, discuss the challenges and opportunities that frequently arise in the enforcement of arbitration awards in the United States in a recent chapter of The Arbitration Review of the Americas 2020, a guide produced by Global Arbitration Review.

The lawyers detail how the U.S. judicial system works to enforce arbitration agreements when dealing with a recalcitrant opponent. From converting an arbitration award into a U.S. court judgment to using U.S. state and federal law to locate the property of the judgment debtor, the lawyers lay out the current regulatory conditions for arbitration award enforcement and why the U.S. is a go-to jurisdiction for judgment creditors looking to monetize their claims.

This article is an extract from GAR’s The Arbitration Review of the Americas 2020, first published in August 2019. The whole publication is available here.