Jef Klazen and Randall Arthur Tackle Investors’ Next Steps Following Massive Bitfinex Hack

August 12, 2016


Following the massive hack of nearly 120,000 bitcoins from digital currency exchange Bitfinex, Bitfinex spread its losses among all investors of the platform, rather than just users who lost bitcoins, amounting to 36% of each account. In a recent article published on, lawyers Jef Klazen and Randall Arthur provide insight into the options for legal recourse that these investors may have against the exchange, such as misappropriation, negligence, and other tort claims. The lawyers also address the importance of the “creation and implementation of the most robust security measures to protect virtual currency investments against the type of theft that occurred against Bitfinex.”

The article, “What can investors in hacked bitcoin firm do next?” can be viewed here