2024 LGBTQ+ Pride Month at Kobre & Kim

June 7, 2024

Kobre & Kim is once again celebrating Pride Month, as we are committed to affirming our firm’s support of both our LGBTQ+ colleagues as well as the LGBTQ+ community.

Throughout June, Kobre & Kim’s LGBTQ+ affinity group Pride@K&K will bring together colleagues across our global offices to celebrate and engage in important discussions about LGBTQ+ allyship, strengthening diversity initiatives, and promoting cultural awareness and inclusion across the legal industry.

We are proud to have LGBTQ+-identifying employees represented throughout the firm, and we remain dedicated to creating an environment where all employees can be most productive and best able to serve our clients’ needs, as evidenced by our score of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index.

This year, we’re sponsoring The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (The Center), a cornerstone of New York’s LGBTQ+ community, providing safe spaces and affirming programs for over 40 years.

At Kobre & Kim, we are proud to support LGBTQ+-related pro bono projects and organizations and look forward to continuing to deepen our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

To all of us from Kobre & Kim, we wish you a happy Pride!