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Vasu Muthyala on Maintaining Cross-Border Attorney-Client Protections in ABA Virtual Roundtable

January 26, 2022

Attorney-client privilege is taken for granted in many jurisdictions where communications between the two are kept confidential. This is a point of great concern in highly sensitive cross-border cases where protections vary. Vasu Muthyala shared the most important considerations when he joined an American Bar Association virtual roundtable at 10:30 pm Hong Kong time, January 25, 2022.

During the discussion, “Attorney-Client Privilege in Cross-National Cases: Considerations When Protections Vary within a Single Matter,” Mr. Muthyala drew from his experience handling cross-border cases connected to the U.S., Greater China and across Asia to discuss the common challenges when navigating varying levels of attorney-client protections. The former U.S. federal prosecutor also shared strategies to defend clients’ interests when their documents and personnel are spread across the globe.

The roundtable discussion was moderated by Monique T. Abrishami of Levy Firestone Muse, and was also joined by Matt Kaiser of KaiserDillon PLLC, Saverio Lembo of Licencié ès Sciences Commerciales et Industrielles, and Alessandra Nascimento Silva of Nascimento & Mourão Advogados.