Many of our engagements involve matters in which our clients face significant public attention. The following is a list of news stories about the firm, our clients, cases and the results we have achieved.

Miranda Ching at The Fraud Lawyers Association Conference

July 1, 2024

What are the current challenges faced by corporations in handling whistleblower allegations arising from serious fraud and misconduct? Kobre & Kim’s Miranda Ching joined the Fraud Lawyers Association Conference panel titled “Focus on Corporate Crime”. In conversation with fellow participants, she shared some of her experiences advising Boards on UK corporate criminal liability and the associated risks with regard to civil actions in the U.S.

The group also discussed a U.K. and US investigation into greenwashing and looked at how to advise corporations, not just from a criminal and regulatory perspective but also addressing reputation and civil litigation risks.

The FLA, established in 2012, provides a forum to represent lawyers practicing in the areas of civil and criminal fraud and held other panels on topics such as non-financial misconduct and whistleblowers in criminal investigations.