Many of our engagements involve matters in which our clients face significant public attention. The following is a list of news stories about the firm, our clients, cases and the results we have achieved.

Martin De Luca Leads Discussion on Embezzled Asset Tracing and Retrieval at ACI’s Ninth Anti-Corruption Summit, Brazil

May 20, 2019

Following one of the largest public bribery cases in Brazilian history, anti-corruption is an increasingly vital topic of consideration for those connected to the Brazilian market. Martin De Luca, an attorney with Kobre & Kim, will tackle the key questions surrounding this topic at the May 22nd roundtable: Asset Recovery: Tracing and Recouping Embezzled Assets Following an Internal Investigation and Proposed Changes to Brazil’s Civil Code as part of ACI’s Anti-Corruption Brazil conference in São Paulo. Mr. De Luca will lead the discussion, highlighting strategies for locating and returning assets and how that works given Brazil’s current focus on asset forfeiture.