Many of our engagements involve matters in which our clients face significant public attention. The following is a list of news stories about the firm, our clients, cases and the results we have achieved.

Kobre & Kim Hosts Webinar on Working With Law Enforcement in Asset Recovery Disputes

June 12, 2020

Economic downturns lead to increased discovery and enforcement of financial fraud and misconduct. Getting law enforcement involved on your behalf can significantly increase the chances of recovering your assets. On Wednesday, June 24th at 9 am EST/10 am BRT, lawyers from Kobre & Kim will host a discussion on the frequently overlooked strategy that requires the ability to run third-party investigations in multiple jurisdictions simultaneously, as well as an understanding of the enforcement bodies in various regions (including Latin America, the U.S., Europe and Asia).

During the session, titled: “Getting Law Enforcement on Your Side in Asset Recovery Disputes,” Kobre & Kim's Martin De Luca and our special guests, including an FBI agent, legal compliance professional and Brazilian criminal lawyer will discuss creative and aggressive tools to pursue cross-border asset recovery and concurrent law enforcement action in Latin America.

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