Many of our engagements involve matters in which our clients face significant public attention. The following is a list of news stories about the firm, our clients, cases and the results we have achieved.

Andrew Stafford KC and Nicholas Surmacz on Enforcement of Awards Against Sovereign States at London International Disputes Week Seminar

June 3, 2024

Publication: London International Disputes Week

Winning an arbitration award against a sovereign state and state-owned entities is often the easy part – trying to enforce the award and getting the state to pay can cost enormous amounts of time and money, requiring special strategic considerations. Kobre & Kim’s Andrew Stafford KC and Nicholas Surmacz join London International Disputes Week (LIDW) 2024 to discuss these issues during a seminar at 11:00 am, June 7, 2024.

The seminar, “Arbitration and Enforcement Involving Sovereign States,” will cover topics including special considerations in arbitrating against state and state-owned entities; enforcing awards against sovereigns in England and Switzerland; the approach of English and Swiss courts to the alter ego doctrines and constructive trusts; and the tools available from tribunals and English and Swiss courts to preserve assets and assist with enforcement.

Joining Mr. Stafford and Mr. Surmacz are Sandrine Giroud and Marc Veit of LALIVE.

Click here to register.