Many of our engagements involve matters in which our clients face significant public attention. The following is a list of news stories about the firm, our clients, cases and the results we have achieved.

Ana Frischtak Examines Role of Arbitrators in AmCham Brasil Event

November 22, 2023

Arbitration has become an increasingly important and preferred method for international parties to resolve their disputes, putting more scrutiny on the role of arbitrators. Kobre & Kim’s Ana Frischtak, who focuses on high-stakes cross-border government enforcement defense matters with a nexus to Latin America, discusses during the AmCham Brasil Arbitration Event in São Paulo on November 24, 2023.

The event, “VI Congresso Visão Crítica da Arbitragem” (“Critical View of Arbitration”), will examine the duty of arbitrators to disclose potential conflicts of interest, and the duty of the parties to investigate information about the arbitrators. Joining Ms. Frischtak are debate moderator Fernando Eduardo Serec of TozziniFreire Advogados; Vânia Wongtschowski Kleiman of Wongtschowski Kleiman Advogados; Eduardo Grebler of Grebler Advogados; and David Lindsey of Chaffetz Lindsey LLP.

Click here to learn more about the event.