Roger Burlingame and Andrew Wang Explore Deferred Prosecution Agreements

October 24, 2016

Publication: Fraud Intelligence

As the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) puts a triumphant spin on the stutter-stepping start of the UK’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) era, UK corporates considering the DPA route remain wary. In a recent Fraud Intelligence article, former U.S. federal prosecutor Roger Burlingame, based in the firm’s London office, and Andrew Wang, based in New York, explore whether or not the UK’s DPA will replicate the U.S. model and create “positive incentives” to increase the rate of self-reporting, or if it will fail to gain traction. Highlighting Standard Bank’s recent DPA, the article also underlines U.S. influence on the UK process and the potential outcomes of self-reporting in different jurisdictions.

For a copy of the article, “Weighing a UK Self-Report? Consider the US DOJ?” send an email to