
Kobre & Kim LLP, a New York limited liability partnership practicing law from offices at 800 Third Avenue, New York, New York, U.S.A.; Kobre & Kim (UK) LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC 347946, authorized and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, No. 537858; Kobre & Kim (BVI) LP, a British Virgin Islands foreign limited partnership; Kobre & Kim (Cayman), a Cayman Islands foreign partnership; Kobre & Kim LLC a NY limited liability company and DBA in Israel as Kobre & Kim LLC, a registered foreign consultant office; Kobre & Kim (HK) LLP, a Hong Kong registered Limited Liability Partnership and firm of solicitors; Kobre & Kim LLP Foreign Legal Consultant Office, a foreign legal consultant office of Kobre & Kim LLP, approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea; Kobre & Kim LLP Shanghai Representative Office (USA), a representative office of Kobre & Kim LLP; Kobre & Kim Sucursal Argentina, a registered branch of Kobre & Kim LLP; Kobre & Kim Serviços de Consultoria Ltda., a limitada registered in São Paulo; and Kobre & Kim Sociedade de Consultores em Direito Estrangeiro, a foreign legal consultant firm registered in São Paulo.

The firm maintains locations in the Americas (New York, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Delaware, Miami, San Francisco, São Paulo, Washington DC), Asia-Pacific (Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai), EMEA (Cyprus, London, Tel Aviv), and the Caribbean (BVI, Cayman Islands). The jurisdictions in which our lawyers are licensed to practice are indicated in their individual biographies on this website.

Kobre & Kim Business Advisors (Cyprus) Ltd, incorporated in Cyprus, is a business consultancy registered at Nikou Kranidioti, 7D Tower 4, 3rd Floor, Flat/Office 302, Egkomi, 2411, Nicosia, Cyprus (Registration Number HE428269). Kobre & Kim Business Advisors (Cyprus) Ltd is not a Cypriot law firm and does not practice law in Cyprus.

Kobre & Kim is administered by a professional management team which ensures that the firm delivers client services of the highest caliber.

Lawyer Experience

Experience described in some biographies on this website may date from before an individual lawyer joined Kobre & Kim. Matters represented on this website does not imply current client status.

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This website contains general information about Kobre & Kim, which should not be relied upon as legal advice or construed as an invitation for an attorney-client relationship. Kobre & Kim does not sponsor, endorse, verify, or warrant the accuracy of information found at external sites or subsequent links.


Kobre & Kim publications, alerts, bulletins, and/or announcements (collectively, "publications”) should not be construed as legal advice regarding any specific facts or circumstances. The contents of our publications are intended for general information purposes only and may not be quoted or referred to without prior written consent of the firm, to be given or withheld at our discretion. To request reprint permission for any of our publications, please send an email to communications@kobrekim.com. The distribution of our publications is not intended to create, and receipt of them does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

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This website is a communication providing public information about Kobre & Kim’s availability for professional employment.

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You should be aware of the increasing incidence of phishing and other identity theft scams. In the past, third parties have fraudulently used the identities of Kobre & Kim employees in sending unsolicited communications to third parties. Although Kobre & Kim seeks to stop these attacks, there is no practical way they may be prevented. If you receive an unsolicited communication purporting to be from one of our employees, you should verify that the communication is legitimate by contacting Kobre & Kim using the contact details provided in this site. Kobre & Kim expressly disclaims liability with respect to any fraudulent actions taken by third parties.

For more information about the firm, please contact:

Brian Murphy
Associate General Counsel
tel +1 212 488 1217

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

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Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.